How come flights from CLE -> Heathrow are HUNDREDS of dollars more than flights from SFO -> Heathrow? #notfair
Category Archives: Uncategorized
C’est Moi!
Ukulele and all…
Pretty good joke
#sofun telling my boss I chose a @CIFF film about a limbless, polyamorous neo-Nazi who runs a dogfight for our non-profit sponsorship #hahaha
Remarkable Achievement
Annnnd I just spelled “indubitably” right on the first try so I might as well just go home, nothing will surpass this achievement today.
We’re watching the final “The Hobbit” flick: Legolas is playing D&D 3.5 and rolls nothing but 20s. #overpowered #areyoukiddingme
Well, that was fun
We bought Powerball tickets because everyone else was doing it. We didn’t get any of the numbers. Oh well… it was fun being Schroedinger’s billionaire.
Late, but Worth the Wait
Two sick kids, one on Amoxicillin, a husband up against a book deadline… it was the PERFECT day to receive this beautiful Christmas gift in the mail from my sister & brother-in-law. #soprettyy #myprecious #thankyou
David Bowie’s Favorite Books
Saving this for future reference:
Ninth Day of Christmas
Ninth day of Christmas started at my local AVEDA salon with my favorite stylist. Had friends over last night and LOST at Cards Against Humanity which makes me feel like less of a horrible, awful human.
Sixth Day of Christmas
6th day of Christmas a.m.: the kitchen is clean, the dishwasher’s running, whites are bleaching in the washer, my 2nd viewing of BREAKING BAD resumes w/ the final three eps, starting with “Ozmandias,” kids are outside playing, and the day’s had a pretty good start.