Ride the Zebra! Posted on November 22, 2006 by motormouth Baby enjoying his new toy from his favorite Nana.
Apple cider, please Posted on November 22, 2006 by motormouth Yes I would like some apple cider, Christie. Please? Pretty please? Look at how cute I am!
Eating his cake Posted on November 22, 2006 by motormouth Daddy feeds baby cake. More landed on the floor than in his mouth. Baby's first fork, too!
Baby Present Mayhem Posted on November 22, 2006 by motormouth Alexander and his two baby guests at his b'day party, having fun with his new piano.
Aftermath Posted on November 21, 2006 by motormouth All three babies started melting down at the same time. I've never seen guests leave one of my parties so quickly. Whoosh!
Mid cake-smash Posted on November 21, 2006 by motormouth Love how I'm blowing out the candle and it's just starting to flicker here. Please note that baby's hands were wiped down before any smashing occurred. He merely grazed the surface, and I took it for the team by eating that piece mysefl.
Birthday boy Posted on November 21, 2006 by motormouth On his birthday, during his “Teddy Bears' Picnic”-themed birthday party.
Baby's First Birthday Cake Posted on November 21, 2006 by motormouth …as well as first-birthday cake! I made and decorated it with my own two hands. Upon pulling away the cake cover, my friend Karen said, “I hate you.”