
So Monstro and the boys and I were pulling into our driveway after church and we saw a man walking with a little girl around Lex's age. There aren't a lot of kids in our neighborhood so I asked, “hey, do you folks live around here?” The man said, “Yes,” and I said, “We've got a little boy around her size.” Lex and I disembarked and went over to them. Lex immediately started talking about fireworks and I introduced him and myself. He introduced himself and the little girl and I said, “Where do you live?”

“You know,” he said, “I don't think I want to answer that.”

“Uh, OK,” I said.

“C'mon Frankie,” he said to the little girl, and they walked away.

Monstro thinks the guy was crazy. I just think he's a typical Masswipe.

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