Been a while, I know, but things have been a bit busier than usual, what with Monstro finishing up his marathon of a semester and my mom arriving in town (which is such a blessing I can hardly express how ecstatic I am about it). Our little guy is becoming quite the chattering little mynah bird, so I find myself having to bite my tongue a lot more while driving around greater western Massachusetts. (“Son of a … gun!”)
Little guy is finally starting to say “Mommy” and “Daddy” rather than “Mama” and “Dada,” which warms our hearts to no end. Today he tried to say “school bus” but it ended up sounding like “poop butt,” which I assure you is not something he picked up from my typical while-driving vocabulary.
I've come up with three more restaurants for the book and so it's actually done now, and in less than a week I'll find out whether “Lindsay Lohan's Birkin” will be featured at the upcoming Humana Festival of New American Plays, which really would be too good to be true. I had a dream the other night that it was indeed chosen and man, that was a stupendously awesome dream. Of course, now that I've dreamed it, it probably won't happen. Oh well, at least I got to dream about it.
Then again, as I was reminded during my deposition, when I was in high school I'd often dream about the things that would happen in the days to come, so, we'll see. In the meanwhile, it's pretty hard to type with all my fingers crossed. Oh, and I have our church's Christmas Pageant (written and directed by moi) to get through this Sunday, so you'd think that would help to keep my mind off things. Naaah…