today's the day

The day of the ultrasound, that is. I've had a dream that baby is a girl, and a dream that baby is a boy (with big balls). Brian has dreamt that baby is a girl. But my parents both dreamt that I was a boy. So, we'll see.

Really, I'm more concerned with seeing that baby has all its limbs than what lurks between its little legs. Think good thoughts.

One thought on “today's the day

  1. Judging by parents either will be wonderful. That said, I had a dream about your daughter visiting many years in the future and me showing her the NorCal book that has both of your stories published in it from that worthy event where I got to see her parents meet. But then I just cleaned out the closet and ran across the t-shirts from said confrence.
    Also had a dream about breaking into Coldstone Creamery and stirring the “kosher” icecream with a big ol hamhock. I also replaced the chopped nuts with bacon bits. You might consider this act of rebellion yourself as it not only contravenes the whole idea of kosher ice cream, but does so with a Hebraic disdain only a lover of salted pork can muster toward this evil company that doesn't know how good they had it. Curse them for the ills they have visited upon the serenity you so justly deserve. As I've said before — take it easy, and start enjoying a well deserved nap every day. You owe them nothing. Do NOT mention them in your acceptance speech when you win the award for best musical of 2006.

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