Friday Friday

Yesterday felt like Monday so I'll take Friday today for $200, Alex. Mom awoke confused and achey so I spent 25 minutes getting her a doctor's appointment for 10:00 this morning, and her new agency-based caregiver (we let the other one go; she didn't clean for shit and was always texting and always had Mom buy her lunch when they went out) took her so I could take the boys to Chuck E. Cheese, as promised before Winter Break even began. Both boys resume school next week and I look forward to 6 hours of being without caregive-ees during the end of next week.

Just found out about a ukulele workshop on Feb. 12 that doesn't cost too much money. Going to have to talk with Monstro about it; we are thinking of making a considerable purchase this year and are doing best to watch our dollars. Anyway, I think I could use another workshop. I'd like to take Dave Schwensen's comedy workshop this spring but he's upped the admission to two-hundred bucks and that's steep for me. True, at the end of it you get a video of yourself in front of the iconic “IMROV” logo… I'm hoping they'll start offering amateur nights so I can get back up there. Of course, there's the small issue of writing something new, really honing it. I can't believe I'm saying this but I wish I were back in Western MA for a week — the day after I left they started like 5 more open-mics every month, some of them weekly, most of them MCd by my Bishop's Lounge buddies.

If this were my didn't-write-it Christmas letter, this paragraph would be about the balance I'm finding in taking care of my mom and family while also achieving success in stand-up comedy. I would like to come up with a program and present it at Rotary Clubs and the Elks, etc. I know I've complained before that the Cleveland open-mic circuit starts too late for my schedule; by bringing comedy and education to the local clubs, I could at least do some lunchtime gigs. I'm much better at lunchtime. Plus, it's not past my bedtime. My dad is involved in a NorCal older-men's group so I'm going to start by talking to him about what types of speakers they have at their monthly lunches.

Anyway, as I said before, MFM isn't feeling well and the boys are home for three more days, so please, say a prayer. The peace of Christ be with you.

2 thoughts on “Friday Friday

  1. Oh yikes! prayers to you definitely. Was the caregiver you let go the one who babysat the kiddos also? If so… BUMMER!

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