Kept the wrong kid home

I kept the wrong kid home today. Lex had a cough that sounded bad but not barky, so I gave him a tiny shot of Tussin DM and kept him home. BK went to school. Well, at 11:00, Lex hadn’t coughed for two hours, but we got a phone call saying that BK was tired, hot, and had just thrown up in his classroom. Back from school he came. I set up at TV/DVD in his room to keep him quarantined and he rested for a while while I tried to keep Lex from jumping around downstairs. In the midst of all this, I diagnosed the reason why my washing machine quit working! And, I found what I think is the right part on eBay for $7, including shipping/handling. Much better than paying $45 for it at my local Sears parts store, and a hell of a lot better than paying the $100 deductible to have a home-warranty workman come take care of it. Huah!

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