I’m blogging about once a month lately, but I figure if The Dancing J can do it then so can I. It’s just that life has bipolar lately: high highs, low lows. It’s exhausting. High highs: Monstro and I are on the cusp of buying our first home. If everything goes according to plan we’ll have it inspected on Tuesday. The price of this home is the price of a down payment on a home in California, and even if we don’t live in it forever the rental market in our city is very landlord-favorable so that’s a good thing. We are planning that MFM will live with us even though just yesterday we decided to extend her rehab therapy by at least another week. She is just *not* a one-person transfer right now –I did some therapy with her and her physical therapist yesterday morning– and if she’s going to come home, she has to be safe and so do I. We have a follow-up with her surgeon on Monday and her PT made some suggestions, so we’re going to try-try-again maybe next Wednesday and see where she’s at. They’ve also recently upped the medication dosage of an appetite-stimulant that she had been tolerating well, so I’m going to bring that up today.
How are you liking this format? I’ll admit that WordPress has always felt soulless to me, but for now the anonymity of the slate appeals to me, even though it’s not like you don’t already know who I am.