When 9/11 happened, I lived in the Santa Cruz Mountains with no TV. I read the news but didn't see it. While out the next night for Shannon's birthday at Original Joe's, I sat with my back to the news. Even now, I can honestly say I've seen a mere handful of video captures from that horrible day.
And now, today, Britain's Prince William married Catherine Middleton and she was so beautiful and his uniform was Irish and Westminster Abbey, hard to find a place holier, and the entire event choreographed to high pomp and… eyepiercingly lovely and right, a London fairytale.
And MFM's a total anglophile and would have loved to have watched it with me, and she started watching at 6:00, but I didn't set my alarm and I didn't end up coming downstairs until the young marrieds were happily-ever-after-ing to Buckingham Palace in the convertible coach.
And yeah, of course I DVRd it on the TV in the family room and maybe we'll watch it tomorrow, or this weekend, but I feel guilty. I never manned up to watch any 9/11 videos, the most violent images to be filmed on U.S. soil. What's my worthiness factor for commemorating the happiest and fanciest day of this new millennium?
(Linking my thoughts of the Royal Wedding with NYC mass murder. These connections will be a real boon to the stand-up I'm writing.)
I'm a little creeped out that I wrote this Friday night and 48-hours later, bin Laden was dead. –LBJ/MM