very good day

Today involved driving to Lebanon, NH with our new roommate, where we learned that yes, she is a good candidate for a procedure that we all think will improve the quality of her life. So great, so wonderful, so relieved. Monstro had BK all day and Lex after preschool and still managed to cook us a delicious “congratulations/welcome home” dinner. And, I learned that the best thing to bring to a hospital if you need to kill time is a pink ukulele and about eight pieces of sheet music. Could've used more music, actually, but at least I had plenty of time to practice my finger-pickin' on “Gentle on my Mind,” a song I don't think I've heard since I was four years old and traveling on the back roads of Forest, North Carolina. Praise Jesus!

wearing thin

Between the endless laundry and housework and shuttling children and others back-and-forth to appointments, I'm slowing down, people. BK is finally in a M/W day-care situation with a lovely woman in a neighboring village; of course, tomorrow his brother gets out of school before 11, and next Monday, his brother doesn't have school at all. One of these days I will have the house to myself for an hour. Just not this month, it appears.

good run today

Didn't have loads of endurance but when I did run, I ran much faster than my normal speed. Was aided by some quirky shuffle lands on my iPod — Zappa's WPLJ, some Dio, Dave Grohl live, ending with Sugar Mag. Not shabby! Tonight Monstro is reading at Marlboro so Mom and I are going to make the trek. Can't wait; I haven't really seen him read since our grad-school days; his dis defense doesn't count because he gave his opening remarks extemporaneously.

if you are being bullied…

Suck it up. Thrive on it. It means that you have something they envy. This puts YOU in the power seat, sweetheart. So just keep being who you're being. Find other like-minded people to hang out with. Join a support group. Have fun and laugh in your bullies' faces. Mock them. And don't fucking kill yourself. This has been a PSA from motormouth, who knows whereof she speaks. xoxoxo