my church has let me down

Our new pastor has decided to shift Sunday School from 30 minutes during church to one hour before church. Then there's a new children's choir starting at 11:30. So, basically, the new guy thinks that my 4-year-old should do an hour of Sunday School, THEN sit in church with us for an hour, then half an hour of fellowship time around the coffee-and-snack table, THEN do choir. This is nowhere near the realm of possibility. And, what, my 2-year-old should be in the nursery for 2 hours and then watch his brother sing for another hour? And asking my mom to sit in a pew for that long borders on criminal negligence.

It ticks me off because our church has been through some difficult times, and all the other families with kids left a while ago, but we stuck it out because we felt it was worth it, and we volunteered on committees, and even participated/led four years' worth of Disciple Bible study.

Now, the new pastor thinks that we should go back to a system that has been tried before and failed miserably. And nobody gave me a call, even though I'm the only parent who has kids who attended Sunday School last year.

I'm so sad. Bye, church. It was nice knowing you but you no longer meet –or care about– my needs.