Dear Det. Alban,

Thank you for being a contact person for the abusive email messages we've received throughout the campaign. I appreciate everything you have done to keep the Lemkaus safe. They're really good people.

I started working on Judge Lemkau's campaign because my Redlands buddy, Kyle McDowell, left me a voicemail stating that a family friend was campaigning to save his judgeship, and could I help improve the existing Web site. I looked at the far-from-great Web site, but before I could talk to Kyle about it, he died. Complications due to his lifelong struggle with Juvenile Diabetes.

This has been more than a campaign: for me, it's my darling friend's final request.

Thank you for helping me stay bold in the face of this work. I know that Kyle would thank you as well.

Sincerely yours,


San Bernardino County: VOTE LEMKAU, please

Judge Robert Lemkau is the only qualified person in the race. His apology to Tagle, which many of you felt was stiff, was heartfelt. He has been deeply affected by the death of Wyatt.

iePolitics just endorsed Lemkau, saying:

Hosking cannot get clearance by the Jenny Commission to gain an appointment to the bench by the governor. To be appointed as a judge in the state of California, the applicant must go through an extensive background check that can take a year and a half. Hosking, I have been told, has been rejected for such an appointment. Lemkau was cleared by the Jenny Commission and was appointed to the bench by the governor.

Don't get hoodwinked by Hosking. Vote Judge Robert Lemkau.

(Besides, Kyle would want you to. Please, fulfill his final wish.)

Dear Katie,

Let me start with my deepest condolences. My boys are about the ages that your boys were. I can't imagine the grief you must feel.

I know that grief functions as blinders, so let me say upfront that I’m concerned for you as far as the people who are surrounding you. Have you read Victorville Vultures in the Hosking Cult? Two others of the “Cult” have turned Judge Lemkau's name into Google AdWords revenue and I'll bet they've done the same to yours.

So: Don't sign anything without a lawyer. Don't cater to the ghouls.

There's more to say but this is my first letter to you so I'll keep it short. If you decide to write me back, please answer my #1 question: whether you were already scheduled for John and Ken's radio show at 4:00 that Friday afternoon. Knowing more than a little something about how San Bernardino County's media operates, I'll bet you were.