my day thus far

I didn't get much sleep last night because we watched “The Mist” and the end was just a little too close to what Monstro and I have been doing for work, and this morning Monstro yelled to Lex three times to stop popping the bubble wrap and he wouldn't stop popping it so I spanked him and went back to bed, but then BK woke up, and it was my turn to get up with them.

I made a grocery list ahead of time and had recipes planned and still managed to spend more than $160 at the supermarket. Not so super, market.

The boys are in the nursery playing a shrieking game and the dishwasher is full of half-pint jars for the strawberries and blueberries jams ima gwonna make and seriously, people, this weekend can't come fast enough. Who's with me?

3 thoughts on “my day thus far

  1. If you can spend $160 for a family of four on groceries that's awesome. I spend nearly that for the three of us and we're not buying diapers anymore!

  2. grit your teeth and get through the day, then get out there and go for a run. Imagine all the bad things are getting pounded under your feet. Love Katherine

  3. The boys finally went to sleep and then we all walked to the Smith College Museum of Art, where Lex made a cool lightbox craft and BK freaked out in the exhibit of Bloomsbury painters; I guess he's afraid of Virginia Woolf. 🙂

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