Happy Tuesday / First Birthday

It's been a super-busy day, weighted with incessant rain and skies that prompted Lex to say, “The clouds are all gray.”

Class went great last night and then I figured out a big thread in my new play. It's funny how the building blocks that you don't know where they come from within you but you build with them anyway and boom, they pay off on a whole 'nother level. I love that.

I am further bolstered by the increasing realization that I am the author of the funniest joke ever written. My chicken-or-the-egg joke is funnier IMO than the Fishstick joke on South Park, the best joke by South Park since Clooney voiced kitty. It's fun.

Happy birthday Ehren; I love you!

One thought on “Happy Tuesday / First Birthday

  1. I am so behind on blog surfing! Can't believe I missed this. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I shall relay them in a few days when he wakes up!

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