I finished re-reading Ulysses, and yes, it's even better the second time around. My pet-insurance: saver or scam? article was published to Wallet Blog and I got into a FB flame war — my first flame war in maybe five years — as a result. FB has notified me that the flamer went on to post a fourth and fifth comment but after I found multiple misspellings and incomplete sentence errors in her I'm-a-nationally-syndicated-journalist bio, I decided not to give her the pleasure of my continued attention. (Sorry for sullying your Friend list, Becky; next time I'm in CA, the Tower Cafe Chicken Salad is on me). Lex went to Nana's house for a few hours and I finished editing and adding citations to “My First Kiss,” which is going to The Pinch sometime early next week. I thought about running but the idea of it made me tired and even more headachey, so instead I read my new Runner's World. Now I'm making dinner for the kids and waiting to hear from a client about whether they want me to send out a press release on Monday. Pretty good day, and a sunny weekend ahead!