Sorry I haven't written but things have been massively busy out here. Last Monday, my mom broke her hip. Not the best Columbus Day as ever was. She's doing well at the rehab center, which is the only reason why you're reading about it here.
Sorry if you're one of the people I should have emailed about it. Last Monday was also Day One of two that Monstro was going to crank out his MLA job-list applications. Mail merge, letters, labels, cv, stuff, more stuff, stuff it in an envelope and then fill out the certified mail with return receipt postcard forms and paperclip each one individually and take them to the post office and spend so much time there with Postman Tyrone that you're building as much of a relationship as you have with (pretty much) anyone here.
It is amazing that in this time of recession, there are nearly fifty job opportunities for (tenure-track) professorships for Monstro, and he's such a smart cookie that it feels like God has filled us with everything and now it's just up for one (or two) esteemed colleges (in places where it doesn't snow seems almost like asking too much, especially with only one job, period, in California) to recognize his (His) gifts.
So this is where Motormouth (non-parenthetically) thanks Jesus for the solid.
In my free time, I've taken Lex candlepin bowling, have determined my art project's scope and format to make good on my promise to published-poet Anne, and set up a WordPress blog at as my father's 70th birthday gift; he didn't find out about it until he received the business cards via snail-mail, courtesy of moi via VistaPrint.
My father is the man who has pretty much everything, so when he calls a gift you've given him “fucking priceless,” you can consider that to be a massive score: Motormouth, FTW!
Glad your dad loved the gift. I have never been lucky in the parental gifting.
Sorry about Mom. Healing thoughts already there…damn elderly bones.