I think it shows the increasing depth of my training that I haven't even logged my last four runs. Last Tuesday I hit a milestone — I ran for the fun of running. I powered up the big hill at Smith and let out an amusing-to-passersby war whoop at the top. BK and I ran and ran and ran. Such a blast.
The next day I ran, too… but where? Don't remember.
Saturday I didn't run, but I hosted a baby shower here, and probably did 2.5-3.0 miles from the living room to the kitchen and back.
This week on Monday I showed up early to preschool pick-up, in hopes of running the track. Selfishly, the track was closed to everyone not on a collegiate track team. So I ran a two-mile loop around part of the campus. Very satisfying, particularly as the last time I ran on the dirt part, I had to stop to walk three times! This time, I ran it and its distance again, without stopping.
Tuesday I planned to have lunch with a friend, so I ran into town. Literally. The fortuitious part was, I started late and couldn't use my more scenic route, but my typically busy street was having its bike-lane markers repainted, so there were pylons stretched the length of my run.
When I shared this with my friend, she said, “Like you were in your own personal 10K!” Kris is so funny, I love her. Plus, she doesn't mind if her lunch date is actively perspiring until the food comes.
No running yesterday, but I did listen to a congested BK holler all day (no naps!), which kept my muscles tense, if not engaged.