
…was a good book, but that's not what I'm talking about.

Right now, 574 photos are transferring from my Nikon D80 to my Macintosh HD.

I have almost caught up on the episodes of “18 Kids and Counting” that were missed whilst away in California.

Three weeks ago, I fulfilled a promise made 20 years earlier and returned the picture of Jon Ascher (misspelled on purpose for privacy reasons) as a 9-year-old Boy Scout to his mother, who entrusted the image to me as part of my Baccalaureate slide-show duties. She received it the day she returned from witnessing John's New York City Hall wedding. Congratulations, Jon. Glad I could kind of be a part of it.

Today, I received a thank-you 19 years in the making. Thanks, B. Glad I could help.

My 574 photos just finished downloading. Can't decide whether to look at the camping on Cape Cod, the 20-year high-school reunion, the lunch with the Darneels (sp again), or the taking-the-boys-to Russian River ones. Guess you'll find out soon enough! In any case, there's a lot going on and Babykins JUST went to bed, so I'm much too busy for actual housekeeping over here.

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