Here are the boys the day of Babykins' baptism. I cropped it so you can't see 1) the angry scrape on Lex's leg and 2) the safety pin on Babykins' hem.
So Monstro and the boys and I were pulling into our driveway after church and we saw a man walking with a little girl around Lex's age. There aren't a lot of kids in our neighborhood so I asked, “hey, do you folks live around here?” The man said, “Yes,” and I said, “We've got a little boy around her size.” Lex and I disembarked and went over to them. Lex immediately started talking about fireworks and I introduced him and myself. He introduced himself and the little girl and I said, “Where do you live?”
“You know,” he said, “I don't think I want to answer that.”
“Uh, OK,” I said.
“C'mon Frankie,” he said to the little girl, and they walked away.
Monstro thinks the guy was crazy. I just think he's a typical Masswipe.
I didn't actually intend to do 3.5 miles today, especially as I haven't run since Saturday's race, but right about the time I was going to quit, “Alice's Restaurant” came on my iPod, and the version I have is eighteen minutes, thirty-six seconds, so I did a few more laps. Before that, I was going to quit, but “Brick House” came on, and after that a Hanson remix, and I'll be damned if I'm going to wuss out to Hanson.
So, 3.5 miles, which included about three walking laps, so we'll say 2.75 miles running. Whoo!
I don't know if it was you who signed me up for the email list of the “National Black Republican Association,” but if it was, take a bow.
Took mom to the doctor and got on the scale there because I don't have one at home because scales make me crazy; though my clothes are looser now and I can run FOUR MILES (whoo!), I've gained nearly two pounds. This is why I do not own a bathroom scale.
I thought I didn't hear the nanny right but it turns out that yes, there was a bear in the tree 10 feet from our family room! He was babyish but we didn't see the mama anywhere. We called our next-door neighbors to let them know they had a bear in their crabapple tree. He ate a bunch of crabapples; I think he went up there to get out of the rain but it rained like Hell so that didn't work.
Very cute little guy: black with a light-tan snout. In bear years I think he was probably a pre-teen, about 200 pounds. I'm surprised he didn't do a bunch of damage to the aforementioned crabapple tree, he hung out there for three-quarters of an hour.
Would love to upload pics but I didn't have time to get a USB cable today. Say it with me and the bear now: “Grrrr…”
So, my day was exciting, but Becky's day was more so. Yo Beck: Lookin' gooooood. Becky for Senate!
I have baptism pictures to download from my camera and the frickin' USB cord is fried. Grrrr.
Oh well. Naptime! Or maybe more James Herriot dog stories. Probably the latter.
My allergies are en fuego this morning.
Last night, the cat slept on my face.
Went on a nice, leisurely walk with Babykins. Now that our Super Jogger stroller has two new tires, we'll be all ready to hit the trails. But not today. 🙂