back from bliss

Monstro, the boys, and I spent five days camping on Cape Cod. We arrived home today and the moment we hit city limits, it began to rain. Typical. Western Massachusetts is pretty much a rainforest these days. It's so green, I can squint my eyes and imagine I'm in Hawaii. Of course, I always did have an overactive imagination.

I thought camping would be difficult but it was actually spectacular. Our double-decker inflatable mattress assisted with this, as did no Internet or cell phone access. We were there with two other families from church and their kids were great about including Lex in their games. Babykins was teething pretty hard a couple of nights so our camping hostess rocked him to sleep on her decolletage, which is even more prominent than my own.

Lex and I are a little sunburnt — pretty damn hard to keep 50 SPF on a kid who won't stay out of the water — but we're being tough about it. Anyway, North Truro is the closest thing to bliss that Massachusetts has to offer. Highly recommended.

One thought on “back from bliss

  1. Sounds like fun, but I bet your trip to California will be better : ]
    Mike's sister is visiting from California for the week and our weather is considerably more sucky than the weather she's been used to.

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