So this morning as Babykins and I were walking in to the urgent care at Monstro's university, Monstro and Lex were walking OUT of the urgent care at Monstro's university. Kind of one of those family reunions you hope to avoid. Lex has an infected spider bite that has swelled up his hand to Mickey-Mouse proportions. Then, this morning, Babykins fell off the bed. Babykins checked out fine, but Lex has something that, 100 years ago, could have killed him. So yeah, that's humbling. He's on an every-six-hours rotation of antibiotics for the next seven days. Guess it's just as well that Babykins still isn't sleeping through the night.
Holy crap.
Kind of one of those things that just makes you stop and think.
I'm glad that it's not 100 years ago.
Hang in <3
What a crazy day. Glad things are working out!