Monstro surprised me with an iPod nano today! What a guy! What a gift! Thanks, sweetheart.
Thanks for the new hot-pink iPod nano, sweetheart. I think it's pretty much the cutest thing you've given me since Babykins.
Here's what I've done since awakening at 8:15 this morning (it's now 3:16 –hi John!)
Fed babykins a million times
Put the toddler in the bathtub after he used a dry-erase marker to color himself green from his toes to mid-shin
Written a refund-request letter I've been meaning to write since November
Contacted my local copy shop about a proof
Investigated Google analytics for a client
Scrubbed a mailing-list database
Edited the introductory letter for a press release
Scheduled one press release to go out on Monday
Scheduled another press release to go out on Tuesday
Confirmed with one client he wants his PR to go out on Tuesday
Spoken with the pharmacist about the ramifications of leaving the toddler's ear-infection medicine on the counter overnight
Spoken with the health center about whether the toddler's currently explosive diarrhea is due to his ear-infection medicine
Consulted with the doctor as to whether we should change the toddler's ear-infection prescription
Futilely urged Monstro to go see Yusef Komunyakaa read at UMass tonight
Helped my best Northampton friends rid my home of all non-money recycling
Watched Susan Boyle on YouTube — justified because one of the aforementioned friends hadn't seen the clip yet
Listened to Susan Boyle sing “Cry Me A River” on a different YouTube clip
Gone to the post office to send the aforementioned refund letter certified mail with a return receipt
Gone to the bank to deposit a check and get some cash to convert into laundry quarters
Folded a bin's worth of laundry
Gone to the grocery store for $116 worth of groceries that would have cost me $160 at another store, plus I was able to buy the good local microbrew sampler at this store — those in California will laugh their butts off to learn that one cannot buy beer at all grocery stores here
Dropped off the old bottle of ear-infection medicine at the pharmacy, to get a new bottle
Gone to the pharmacy for baby supplies, cold medicine, ear-infection medicine, and birth control
Confirmed that the press release for Tuesday will indeed go out on Tuesday
No wonder I was awake between 3:00 and 4:30 this morning, fretting about everything I needed to do today!
I'm working on a briefing book for a client who'll be at RSA next week, and found the following description of one of the journalists they'll be meeting:
“As both a manager and analyst, Steve succeeded by explaining complex technologies– such as aviation and IT — to lay audiences.”
Heh heh heh. I guess it's true: technology *is* sexy!
OK, I cheated this week — I pre-recorded this one a while ago. Nevertheless, I bet you've never heard Radiohead via ukulele!
I love animals — they're delicious. Ha ha. Anyway, the Butte Humane Society is a finalist in the Zootoo Shelter Makeover contest. You can vote up to 10 times a day. The Butte Humane Society serves Chico, which is where Monstro and I got married (in Chico, silly, not at the Humane Society), so everything around there holds a special place in my heart.
Click here to vote. You have to register with the site, which requires a birthdate (make one up) and a photo (use the one of Nora on the Fangoria post a few posts down, if you want).
Thank you! Meow! Woof woof!
Seems like a lot of crappy things have been happening in the past week, and with today being tax day, more people are likely to have to face some bummer news. So here's your reassuring thought of the day:
Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
Ahhhh. Nice, huh? Wish I'd read this before going to sleep last night; maybe then I would've been able to sleep after 4:00 a.m.
OK, here's my sophomore effort — a much more challenging song than the first, particularly as I had to arrange it myself using each of my four ukulele strings. Much more GarageBand work was required, too. Maybe too challenging all around. At least I'm pushing myself. Perhaps there are those who would have suggested I tackle an easier song, but I've been obsessed with this song for the past week, ever since that “Scrubs” rerun with Colin Hay was on, as Monstro will attest.
Also, I figured out how to encode MP3s so this one is in a .mp3 format and therefore more universal.
Thanks all for your positive comments from last week — I hope you enjoy this one, too!