yes, it's new music Wednesday

OK, here's my sophomore effort — a much more challenging song than the first, particularly as I had to arrange it myself using each of my four ukulele strings. Much more GarageBand work was required, too. Maybe too challenging all around. At least I'm pushing myself. Perhaps there are those who would have suggested I tackle an easier song, but I've been obsessed with this song for the past week, ever since that “Scrubs” rerun with Colin Hay was on, as Monstro will attest.

Also, I figured out how to encode MP3s so this one is in a .mp3 format and therefore more universal.

Thanks all for your positive comments from last week — I hope you enjoy this one, too!

4 thoughts on “yes, it's new music Wednesday

  1. First of all I LOVE that song anyway.
    Colin Hay = <3
    Second.... you did a very nice job with it.. and I'm glad I could actually listen to this one
    Kudos to you!

  2. Sadly true, but you can get that on a corresponding YouTube clip. 🙂 I'd be lying if I said I haven't watched that one a few times, too.

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