Nora O'Sullivan is a girl-next-door (in the real, non-adulterous “Playboy Enterprises” sense) who is competing for the title of Fangoria Spooksmodel. I've attached her picture to the bottom of this post. She's a pretty girl! You can help her achieve her goal by voting thusly:
1)Click on this link: Fangoria Weekend of Horrors Spooksmodel Contest
2) Scroll down and find Nora O'Sullivan in her evil nurse outfit (she's in the third row), and click the little round radio button next to the “vote” button. After you've clicked the radio button, then click on the button that says “vote”.
3) Enter a valid email address–this is done so that no one can stuff the ballot box. Fangoria will send a confirmation email to the address you entered.
4) Open the email and click on the link. That registers the vote. Hopefully. The first time I voted, I never got a confirmation. I just tried it again, though, and it worked.
Nora is in second place as of this writing but I think the fact that some of her votes haven't registered have hurt her chances, so please vote.
You can only vote once for each email account you have. The voting ends on April 17, the first day of the Weekend of Horrors in Los Angeles.