three nights of no sleep

Baby's waking up every two hours, sometimes more, crying like the world is coming to an end. We are going to the pediatrician again today at 4:00. I will be requesting a large bottle of… something.

Three nights of no sleep has me feeling like a student driver on the highway of life. Last night I was so tired that I turned off “Lost” right after the big Kate-Jack kiss and went to bed.

(At least now I don't feel like such a codger for publicly decrying Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg is an enormous tool.)

One thought on “three nights of no sleep

  1. We're not waking every 2 hours, but we're not getting much more than 5-6 total since Little Miss has decided to puke in the 11:30 timeframe and then be up for a while.
    I'm so tired my eyes sting.
    Here's to a better night tonight.

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