It's called “Dogs.” I started it a year and a half ago (my, how time flies). It's about three men and three dogs, and brutality, and in the end, everyone gets what they deserve. Quite cathartically satisfying, indeed. I still need to type it up but we read through the whole thing last night and it's done.
Meryl told me there's a new “five-minute play” spectrum, and I believe “Dogs” fits that category. Of course, it's a five-minute play that requires both a dance coach and a fight coach, because I'm not one to do things halfway.
“Lindsay Lohan's Birkin” can be staged in a black box with no props, so on a double-bill with “Dogs,” I figure the budget would even out. And then I could finish my “Count of Three” Anna Nicole Smith play (which has been 95% complete for two years) and have a Motormouth one-act play festival!
And yes, they're all plays about celebrities. Can you guess the main character of “Dogs”?