Friday already???

I saw that Fringes had posted Open Friday today and I was all, “How cute… Open Friday a day early.” Nope. Today's Friday.

It's been another busy week — Mom took possession of her apartment on Monday and so there's been a lot of shopping, hanging curtains, setting up her computer, getting her a TV via Freecycle, you know, good stuff like that. I've been spending a lot of money on her credit card, which has kind of transported me back to high school. 🙂

Lex and I spent a couple of hours over there yesterday and he totally made himself at home — flushed her toilet, played on her bed, jumped on the loveseat. Typical two-year-old stuff. It was fun! I fed him lunch and then Monstro came to take the boy home for a nap, and Mom and I waited around for the Comcast guy for another few hours. I'm pleased to announce that he was massively flirting with me. Hey, I'm seven months pregnant; I'll take what I can get!!!

In other pregnancy news, so far, so good. Lex and I went to my doctor appointment this week so he could hear his baby brother's heartbeat. Except he threw a major fit in the waiting room and finally a nurse asked us to leave until it was time for the doctor to see me. No lie. Once it was time for us to be re-invited, my nurse told me that I was getting “props” from the back-room staff as to how I was handling his tantrum. Lex did get to hear the baby's heartbeat (and was pretty well-behaved for the actual office visit), but seemed more interested in the doppler ultrasound device. The doctor even let him press the “off” button! Good stuff.

Baby is great, and I'm still feeling stellar, though a bit tireder than I have been. Of course, this might have something to do with the fact that Lex keeps getting himself out of bed before 6:15 every morning. Naah.

2 thoughts on “Friday already???

  1. Ah yes, taking your son to the OB–such fun.
    Like when they had to take a culture, and DJ came home telling my husband that they had a GIANT Q-TIP. That they rubbed on my scrotum.

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