While I was awaiting my blood draw at the lab, I took a glance at a bulletin board chock full of photos of the staffers' families, boyfriends, etc. One of the guys on the board was *really* cute. It wasn't until I'd stared at the picture for 10 seconds that I realized I was looking at a photo of Bon Jovi.
Monthly Archives: May 2008
Becky, you'll love this
You Belong in Sacramento |
![]() You're a little too down to earth to be considered a true Californian… But you're still too weird to fit in anywhere else! With its diversity and cultural opportunities, Sacramento is just enough California for you. |
Please note I had to fix two typos, so maybe I don't really belong in Sacramento. Marin, maybe… 🙂
Thanks Carlin for the quiz link!
I'm 26 weeks and five days pregnant and anyone who's been pregnant for that long can probably figure out what I did this morning to celebrate: chugged down a bunch of glucose water for my gestational diabetes test. Everyone complains about the taste of the drink but really, if you slug it all the way down the back of your throat you can hardly taste it. It's like mostly flat Fanta lemon-lime, but without the annoying theme song (there, now scores of people around the internet have that song in their head. You're welcome).
Guess it's been a while since I've been artificially stimulated because mere minutes after drinking the sugar water I was buzzin' like a bumblebee. No wonder hummingbirds flap their wings so fast — they survive on this stuff. I got very silly very quickly and was soon beating the rhythm to “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” on my thighs while I waited for the doctor to see me.
I'll get my results tomorrow, maybe Tuesday because of the three-day weekend. Came home and went straight for the protein, gobbled down a three-egg omelette with ham, cheese, and red peppers in about the time it takes to drum the first two lines of “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida”, and washed it down with a big glass of milk. Oh, and some toast with peanut butter — might as well have a little hair o' the dog, I figure, in hopes it'll keep me from crashing like a meth-head on the highway.
my friends are so cool
So, here's a rundown on the stellar awesomeness of some of my friends in the blogosphere:
Becky saw Duran Duran in concert whilst in the midst of a multi-day business meeting, and blogged about it on her cell phone.
Anne is finishing her poetry book and it's getting published by a university press.
Fringes is getting married in Vegas sometime before the end of the year, and announced it in a blog post that hearkens back to the pre-Civil-Rights movement.
Ms. Strega has been tapped to teach creative writing this summer at my alma mater.
Monstro is getting up at 5:30 tomorrow morning to go teach so we can buy groceries.
And, the Comtesse might be giving birth even as I type this.
As for me, I took the boy on a play date this morning and scored a free double stroller. Not as cool as my friends, maybe, but it's something. Oh, and this is my five hundredth post on this blog. Do I get a cookie?
gays granted marriage rights in CA!
new play is done!
I just finished writing my new one-act, “The Association.” Had to take a little time away from it because it was feeling too bloated. I cut the cast list in half and tightened things up. And made it more ridiculous. And now I'm really happy.
A ten-page comedy about poverty and hunger. Who'd've thought?
Fringes just read it and said she laughed aloud. Whoot!
quote of the day
“I was considered slow. While my classmates were reading their textbooks, I drew in the margins.”
–Dearly departed artist Robert Rauschenberg, 1925-2008
Mother's Day wrap-up
Had a great Mother's Day. Got a cute Star-Wars-themed card from Lex and the Peanut, and a lovely card from Monstro with a certificate good for one day of heavy lifting and garden mucking. Great stuff! Monstro and the other men from church cooked a Mother's Day brunch for the congregation, and his chile egg puff was the first dish to get all eaten up. When he was still at church cleaning up I called Fringes and we had an on-the-same-page “to the punctuation mark” conversation, which was just as awesome as I knew it was going to be (and I'd set a pretty high bar, let me tell you). After Lex woke up, Monstro cooked us some dinner — we had our first barbeque and our first corn of the season. Great, great, great. And then we watched Friday's “Battlestar Galactica,” which made us happy we'd taped “King of the Hill” to watch afterward.
And now I have to go buy a new power cord for my PowerBook. Bye!
We're fighting cancer!
Monstro and the kids and I are participating in the Western Massachusetts Relay for Life this June. Yes, June, that blazingly summer month when I will be *seven* *months* *pregnant*. Please support our fundraising efforts by plunking five bucks (or more! we're not choosy) into our donation pile. If you do, Monstro will do his fat-man dance for you. Just don't tell him you heard it from me. 🙂
my new hero
I have a new hero. Her name is Bonnie Richardson and she's a-maz-ing. See for yourself!