Two of my blogosphere buddies have job interviews this week, and I'm kind of hoping to hear about something I applied for myself, so I've been thinking a lot about job-interview tips. I think it's important to give a potential employer a good glimpse into your true personality. You don't want to be stuck at a job where you don't like anyone (and nobody likes you) because you weren't true to yourself during the hiring process, right? I always put forth a genuine, albeit a bit muted, version of Motormouth whenever I'm talking to a first-time client or a job interviewer.
I think that's the most important tip, besides asking a question that has to do with the within-five-years history of wherever you're interviewing.
One of my buddies is interviewing at a largely Hispanic company. How largely? Well, he'd be the only gringo there. These are the tips I e-mailed to his girlfriend, to read to him at the appropriate time:
DO drop a carefully timed “de nada.”
DON'T, under any circumstance, make reference to the “Frito Bandito.”
Really, this stuff is golden. Maybe I've missed my true calling as an interview coach! Or maybe not.
So true about liking the people — I think people can be too hungry to get the actual job without giving much thought to the notion of, “Are these the people with whom I'd want to spend the better part of my waking hours?”