holy crow it's done

The reason for much of the bloggy silence this week was due to the fact I was working balls-out for a new client. I just sent him the finished document. It's 39 pages of 14-point Times New Roman (to reduce eyestrain for all involved). And I wrote it in 13 hours. That's with 2-3 drafts, people.

I am off to numb my throbbing head with some dumb TV. Then I need to clean the house for our game night tonight!

2 thoughts on “holy crow it's done

  1. That sounds awfully fast. How many words is 14 point, 39 pp.? For me, speed depends on what I'm doing… For business communications (marcom, letters, proposals, PR, etc.), I can crank it out without even thinking. But for creative stuff… Man, sometimes I can spend a whole evening on a paragraph.
    My last writing gig was PR work for a credit card company (50-60,000 words in all, I think…). They *specified* that the writing level should be “no higher than 7th grade” (which is the typical target level for American consumer audiences — lol, mention that to Monstro!, he won't be surprised). The money was obscene (as in excellent), yet it was among the eaier PR gigs I've ever taken on.

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