haven't laughed this hard in WEEKS

OK, first read this blog post by BeckyJSacto.

Then, read this blog post by BeckyJSacto.

I've been laughing from the time I read the second post, through the time it took me to send her an e-mail, and even as I type these very words. Peanut must think his (HIS!) mother is a nutjob. OK, a beanjob.

(Even funnier is, when you blow up the picture on the second post, it appears that the bamboo stalks are already in little water capsules, de-necessitating the water in the vase in the first place.)

Incidentially, here's what Amy Sedaris has to say about hostess gifts: “Don't you dare show up with bamboo! You might as well show up with a turtle. … Now that you've lurned all the rules of guest etiquette, relax and have fun, but remember: NO BAMBOO, TURTLES, OR SUNFLOWERS!” — p. 24-25, I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence

Also incidentially, Monstro's commentary on the above can be found here. The title alone sent me into further paroxysms.

3 thoughts on “haven't laughed this hard in WEEKS

  1. Read the bamboo thing, but… Good lord, your friend runs 50 mile races???!!! Holy cow, she must be Wonder Woman! I can't wait to move out west where you can run all year long. Maybe I'll graduate from the 10k set.

  2. Becky does *everything*. Ultra-marathons, president of Junior League, writes for her city's blog, travels… she's truly inspiring. Plus, she's funny as hell. Pretty much the perfect woman.

  3. Aren't you sweet! Things I'm really bad at:
    – swimming
    – exhibiting a generous spirit with people who don't use their brains
    – disciplining our cat
    – not eating candy corn, or any other pure sugar product
    – taking care of plant life, apparently

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