continued sickness, continued snow

I don't know if the two go hand-in-hand but I've been sick since January 5th and there's been snow on the ground, if not falling from the sky, every day since then. I am so tired of the gray: feeling gray, looking outside and seeing gray. Heck, today I'm even clad in gray. Ugh. I think it's about time to go to the Mass Museum of Contemporary Art and see some (to quote the Comtesse's DJ) frickin' color.

Also, tomorrow I start teaching. Usually I begin with back-to-back two-hour lectures. My voice will not stomach that, however, so instead I'm just going to go over the syllabus, teach from the book, and then probably send them home for the week.

Oh, and if the boy is feeling better tomorrow, Monstro's going to take him to an informational seminar about modeling. Heck, he loves attention, loves getting his picture taken, and loves dressing up. Sounds like a win-win-win to me. But only if he's over his cold, of course. I'm not going to get all Jon Benet over it.

4 thoughts on “continued sickness, continued snow

  1. Good call. We have been (though not since our boy was born). Too bad we're not so crazy about the art of Eric Carle (which is like sacrilege to admit around here, but hey, I'm sick, and thereby my defenses are down). We are happy to take all out-of-town guests to “the Carle,” however!!!

  2. Honestly, I don't loooove Carle's art, either. But The Very Hungry Caterpillar isn't bad, and it's probably my son's all-time favorite book, so much so that I'm probably going to use it as a theme for his upcoming birthday.
    Just thought your guy might appreciate the color, too.

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