Project Runway not-quite-liveblog

Don't know what week it is, and I missed the last one or two because family was in town and frankly, I'm not super-interested in this season. Anyway, carrying on…


The challenge: Make an avant garde look to match the model's hair. Something artistic and conceptual. Man, if I were a model and got flat hair, I'd be pissed. Two models are out, and the designers will work in teams of two.

Christian and Chris are making a dress of 1,000s of circles. Kind of like Christian's Reeses dress? We'll see.

Jillian and Vyctoria will be the team from hell.

Ricky and Kit? I'm scared.

Sweet P and Rami? Huh.

Tim has a special announcement: There's another look walking down the runway: a ready-to-wear look that translates the avant-garde look to the everyday woman. Everyone freaks.

Ugh. Who cares? There's really nobody on the show I care about. They're mostly bitches. The nice ones (Chris and Kit and Sweet P) ain't gonna be making it to the top three, so why bother?

Oh, and Rami's a bully. Moreover, he's a one-note bully. Everything draped, all the time. Bor-ing.

Cut to the end:

Christian wins. Ricky's IN. WHY??? His ready-to-wear dress looked like it cost five bucks at Forever 21. Kit is OUT. Fiasco. What-ever.

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