That was the name of my church's written-and-directed-by-Motormouth Christmas pageant this year. We were supposed to have it on the third week of Advent but got snowed out, so we did it on the 23rd. Amazing that none of the kids were on family trips, though one girl couldn't participate due to her grandma's quick, untimely death. The kid I picked for the lead usually does four things at a time but was settled and funny before the congregation, and all the parishioners responded well to him, so that was great. I had to push a bunch of parents taking pictures out of my way whilst directing on-the-spot; t'was not my finest moment but also not Kevin pushing a four-year-old out of the way for first dibs at the merry-go-round. (Kevin was 35 at the time.)
Anyway, I don't know if it's going to encourage anyone to set a New Year's Resolution to raise money to send animals to other parts of the world, but here's hoping.