Welcome to week four (uh, three — I missed last week) of my Project Runway liveblog. I missed the first 40 minutes because I was out having a life. Anyway, the challenge was particularly difficult this week: take three outdated trends, incorporate them into a three-piece collection, and make them both relevant and cohesive. Jillian's team was the winner by far, no question. Then Ricky and Chris's teams were chosen as the lowest two. Victorya rolled over on Ricky, Ricky did it right back to Victorya, and Elisa took the hero's way out by saying she'd always take herself out first. Stephen's garment was almost as hideous as Ricky's but the judges really didn't like Chris's, either. Steven said no to Chris, Chris said no to Chris, and Sweet P (whose dress was adorable) said Steven should go because his outfit was so different from the others.
Final verdict: Ricky's in, Chris is out. Too bad; I liked him way more than creepy Stephen — plus, there's NO WAY that Chris's outfit was uglier than Steven's. The judges are smokin' crack. Oh well. Moral of the story: if you want to be a Project Runway success story, don't hail from San Francisco. See you next week!