why I'm punk rock

Punk rock embraces the inevitability that sometimes, when it really matters, the Evil Ones win.

Here's my point: First read this: these Dead Kennedys lyrics for “Moon Over Marin”; then this: Spill closes Bay beaches as oil spreads, kills wildlife.

My buddy's Department of Interior and has likely not left Fort Mason since last night — he had to fly home early from a conference in Las Vegas (Vegas, baby!). The conference was for people who are front-line responders for (maritime) oil and gas spills. So at least they were all there to confab face-to-face. I guess everyone's phone started ringing at the same time during Wednesday morning's speaker session.

I'd like to think that if I were still living single in the Bay area, I'd be busy cleaning up the birds at Baker Beach.

Of course, this spill was timed to the migratory season of birds in that zone, so this could not have come at a worse time. Not like there's ever a good time to dump 58,000 gallons of “heavy-duty bunker fuel oil” in the San Francisco Bay.

O' Shimmering moonlight sheen upon / The waves and water clogged with oil / White gases steam up from the soil

Now everybody…

I have done it

I have written a pageant. A Christmas pageant; God help us. Especially because it's going to earn me at least a million dollars. Yes. I'll tithe.

It's called Christmas P.M., like “P.M” instead of “Eve”, but something else, too. OK, here's a hint: it's a shout-out to Monstro, DH extraordinaire, who's writing his PhD comps essays all this week except when he's teaching/grading his four classes. He's superhuman.

He shrugs it off. “Can't hurt steel.” But I'm really proud of him and all he's accomplished, and continues to accomplish.

Boy-o and I were out of the house from 8:30a.m. until ten last night, except for naptime. I had an evening unstaged reading — the second Pioneer Valley reading — of Toby's play Standards of Care. It's mostly about people who are transgendered and the people who love them. Believe me when I say I play the female lead, though there's an ingenue, too. Toby is hoping to get it staged around here and although pretty much only I have read the part of Nancy, I couldn't do it on stage because there's a *really* sexy, fly-touching scene in it. And the only man I've kissed since I met Monstro (five years now) is Monstro; I don't want to, uh, blow the curve.

why not?

Well, seeing as I've already sent plays to two contests within the past 12 hours, I figured why not make it a third? and sent Bible Study and Lindsay Lohan's Birkin to the WEST Coast Ten-Minute Play Contest, which is run through CalActors in Irvine. But then, after I put it in my mailbox, I spent a few more minutes on the Web site and found out 1) they didn't do the contest last year and 2) it doesn't look good for this year, either. So much for being Janey-on-the-spot!


I just sent Bible Study to the National 10-Minute Play Contest in Louisville, and also sent it and Lindsay Lohan's Birkin to Live Girls! Theater in Seattle, WA for their 2008 Quickies festival of one-acts. Whoot!