party party

Boy-o turns two early next week so his birthday festivities began three days ago. I made from-scratch blackberry muffins for his nursery school class and they even put candles in his. I can't wait to see the pictures! Then this morning at 10:30 we had a birthday brunch with eight adults and four toddlers. It was the perfect ratio of grown-ups to kids. After brunch there were presents and panda-bear face cake (black icing is gross and boy-o was covered in it). By 12:45, all the guests had been gone for an hour, Monstro was off to teach his Saturday class, and the guest of honor was asleep. Good times!

Once I get the rest of the house picked up and the rest of the thank-you notes written, the Sunday School superintendents are coming over to give me notes on the Christmas pageant I wrote. I'm dreading their comments more than I've EVER dreaded a playwrights' lab. Cross thy fingers…

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