We have our AndrĂ©, our Jay, and our Daniel Franco. The first challenge was to choose from $50k of Mood Fabrics after a foot race across Bryant Park. Tim looks impeccable and now works for Liz Claiborne. Heidi is… Heidi. You don't hear much about hot, sweet, German women with multiple kids. She's in a class nearly by herself, behind Andrea Schnichels, who was my host mom during my 1988 AFS trip to Europe.

COMMERCIAL: Beyoncé wearing L'oreal Paris lipcolor in Slut.

Back to show: I. Adore. Tim. Gunn. I'm a Gunn Nut.

Simone's a cross between Laura and that attorney from SF who was out first on Season Three.

Rami will wear many, many tank tops. Welcome to the Gunn show.

The stoner chick's our Santino.

20 minutes in: I think Sweet P's out.

22 minutes in: We might be seeing less of the Boomtown Rat soon, too.

Tim challenges Moon Unit, who blows it off and takes a NAP.

COMMERCIAL: Santino! Lookin' at art, lookin' hot. And blogging on !

Still In (neither highest nor lowest): Chris, Kevin, Sweet P, Jillian, Jack, Marion, Steve, Carmen, Kit.

Looking at final six: Moon Unit's model stumbled on the “poo-ing fabric” train (thanks for that, Heidi), but I'd throw out the baby-doll guy just for that inmate-striped cabbie's hat he's wearing. And I don't care what Michael Kors says, but the gray drapey dress made the model's tits look saggy, and that's *never* chic. My call: Boomtown rat to win, bad-hat man to lose.

COMMERCIAL: Tim wins the poll with 54%.

Saggy-tits-dress Rami wins the challenge. Eh.

Ricky (Hat Guy/Daniel Franco) is in.

Simone is out, because her dress looked like she hand-sewed it while drunk. Just goes to show that you can't be a Laura, and you'll be out first every time, if you don't know how to sew.

COMING UP THIS SEASON: Big surprises. And Jack drops some sort of metaphoric bomb on the workroom. See you there!


  1. I heard Jack gets a super bad staph infection which isn't the best for his HIV status. Wonder if that's what the bombshell for next week will be… hmm…

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