Here's what I did this week. We still need to put in the bio information for two of the partners, and a physical address for the contact info, but other than that, the site is done, the site is done. I shall be singing that for the rest of the day. Good thing Monstro and Lex are at school!
Hallo Motormouth! D'you know what happened? I am testing internet connections at work and typed the first thing that came to mind to see whether the connection works and guess what I typed?!
Very cool blog, I must admit, I read quite a bit before I decided to post something. I would like to believe that I have a talent for writing, I have deducted from your stories what sound like playwriting and writing of books?
I need help, where and how would you suggest one starts nurturing a possible writing career? Should I attempt something big time like a novel or start smaller and try to convinve a local editor to let my write smalls for his paper? I really don't have a clue, if you could help it will mean a ton to me!
Thanks and enjoy life hugely!!!
Wow and hello and welcome, Anonymous! The first thing I would recommend for someone who wishes to 1) become better and 2) become famous at writing is write as often as possible. I enjoy the blog format because the calendar to your left stares me in the face if too many dates are empty (like they are this month).
I also believe in starting small. 500-word columns, short-stories, and one-act plays are usually easier to place than big novels, especially if you're just starting to get serious. It's also less heartbreaking to throw away eight pages than 80 if you realize the piece is going nowhere.
Find local places to submit your work — newspapers, newsletters, Web sites, etc. There are a lot of online literary journals that are looking for work; I had something published this summer in and there are plenty of places like that.
Write frequently and read everything from newspaper ads to Joyce and Proust. Find your voice and then explore every boundary.
Your comment made my day — of course, my kid's home sick with hand/foot/mouth virus so it hasn't been the most fabulous Saturday on the planet, but even so…
You can find my e-mail address on my Web site if you want to keep me posted. Cheers!!!