
Sorry for the lack of posts lately but I've been working. Updates on my book Living in Northampton and Amherst are going swimmingly — I even got to talk to the police chief in my town yesterday. And on the 11th I had a meeting with a repeat marketing client that ended with him writing me a check for many hundreds of dollars. Should help to keep the wolf from the door — at least until next week, when I head to the eye doctor. I'm thinking I should have just endorsed the check to the optical shop where I will need to purchase at least one, if not two, pairs of glasses.

So that's what's going on here. We're starting a new group on Fridays with the ladies and another couple Monstro knows from Warhammer 40k. Yes, we're getting geekier in our old age. I didn't think that was possible!

2 thoughts on “working

  1. Being geeky is what it's all about. I personally have been blaring Weird Al's “White & Nerdy” like it's going out of style — not that it has ever BEEN in style, nor do I care what is or isn't in style! Sheesh! Did I tell you we were in the 2nd row at the Weird Al show at the State Fair? It was totally awesome.

  2. Alex always said that Weird Al at the San Mateo County Fair was about the best concert he'd ever seen — costume changes with each song and everything!
    I guess I knew you were commenting on my blog because I had a very long dream last night and your house was the setting! You still throw a great party, Becky! And there was nary a shred of duck wallpaper in sight. 🙂

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