I just received word that my play Lindsay Lohan's Birkin has been selected as one of the finalists for the 2007 Heideman Award, top prize for the National Ten-Minute Play Contest (which is a real contest whereto you don't Draw Cubby or submit a three Cheerios box-tops with your entry, thanks Dad). Each playwright can only submit one play and more than 1,200 entries were received this year.
So, between now and December 2007, my play will be considered for winter showcase production at the Actors Theatre of Louisville and also for the 31st Annual Humana Festival of New American Plays. This is what one refers to as a Big Deal. No matter what, even if they picked 50 finalists, that means I'm in the top… little-number percent of playwrights nationwide. OK, ten-minute playwrights nationwide.
It's a start.
Woot! Congrats.
Mazel Tov! (That's Jewish for “good on ya”)
I'm a finalist, too!
I figured I'd say hello to any other finalists I could find.
I mean, how often does something so cool happen? We're special!
They like us! They really like us!
(I'm new at this “recognition” thing, can you tell?)
I don't know how many finalists there were, either.
Though I have a theory.
(did you get an email about the Public Theater's Writer's Group?)
Thanks, Mark, and likewise! I didn't get an e-mail about the Public Theater's Writer's Group, what is it? And what's your theory? Hearty congrats, compatriot.
Here's a link to the Public Theater's Emerging Writers Group press release.
The deadine is Aug 31st
If you fit the (pretty specific) criteria, it looks like a great thing.
And my theory was soo very wrong that I'm just going to pretend I never had one.
I think my town is a bit outside the “greater NY area”. Bummer. Major bummer.