I don't know if it's because I've been writing mostly plays lately but so far this screenplay is cruising along with minimal highway obstruction construction. The step outline is up to #33, which puts me just past the end of the first act. I haven't read the screenplay of the original film I'm sequel-izing, but I've taken a peek at its TXT file and it's about 158 pages, which seems long, but I also remember plenty of fast talking and sumptuous sets, which can be plenty page-greedy.
I'm on page 16 of my screenplay right now; not bad and on track with five pages/day. Today's pages might be a bit talky so far but edits are simple.
I'm very distracted by all this Paris Hilton brouhaha. Monstro thinks she has an OxyContin addiction. I'm assuming STDs. What do YOU think? Comments please.