Sing with me now…

Paris Hilton's out of jail!

Doo-dah, doo-dah.

Paris Hilton's out of jail;

only been five days.

Only been five days,

Only been five days.

Ankles confined to her ma-aa-nsion,

Oh, dee doo dah day.

Gossip pundits suggest that Hilton's active herpes lesions caused a health concern to the population. By shipping her home with an ankle bracelet, prison officials went easy on her. Otherwise, Paris could have been known as the woman who skankified JAIL.

Paris Hilton: the Woman who Could, serving steaming-hot-platefuls of home-cooked ickiness, daily!

Parents let their children look up to her why now? I mean, really? I was at Century 21 discount department store in the NYC Financial District and saw toddler girls' clothes with low cuts and busted zippers. Perhaps because the rest of America has wised up and they're trying to get rid of it wholesale.

paris hilton, skank, jail

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