Yup, you read that right. Baby and I are doing OK with the thrush — Ibuprofen helps me, Infant Tylenol helps him, and we're both on a drug that's classified as an “anti-fungal,” lovely — so once Monstro came home from his nightly “drive around until baby falls asleep and then bring him upstairs in his carseat” trip, Alexander stayed asleep until quarter of three in the morning. I changed him, dosed him, and fed him (the nursing went fine), and then he went back to sleep until quarter of seven. I kept him quiet until 7:15, at which point Monstro (my hero) got up with him, and I slept until the screaming baby woke me at 9:30, so we nursed again and fell asleep. We woke up a few times, looked at each other, and immediately went back to sleep. This went on until NOON. Ahhh, bliss.
And no, I didn't have to go to the health center yesterday, which was fortuitous because the midwife suggested I leave the flaps of my nursing bra down all day, so I took down the Christmas tree and did other household duties with the help of my doula, while all the while wrapped in a clothespin-secured beach towel, which looked like a dollar-store serape and I'm certain was oh-so-attractive, to say nothing about my crazy-bird-lady hair, which nowadays doesn't look brushed even when it has been, which, granted, isn't that often. Really, I'm amazed that Monstro isn't repulsed by me sometimes. Motherhood is not great for one's level of personal respectability.
Alexander is seven weeks old today, and I'm really happy that K sent the 0-3 month sleep-and-play outfit when she did, because he wore it today, and now it will be washed and most likely added to the pile of clothes we're sending to cousin Mike and his darling wife Joy, who is due to have a baby boy in March, because by the time Alexander is ready to wear it again, it will no longer fit.
I swear, Joy won't have to buy a single piece of infant clothing. This of course has mostly been made possible by Anne, Marcy, and Julie, all of whom have sent enormous box(es) of hand-me-downs for our baby. I told them that from now on, I'll be happy to reimburse their shipping fees. Hell, it's the least I can do for what has amounted to hundreds of dollars of free baby clothes. Between the free clothes, formula samples, shower gifts, and kick-ass UMass-Amherst health insurance, this baby has yet to be a major investment. Knock wood.
Of course, there is college to think of… but maybe by the time he's ready for advanced education, Monstro, Driv, Avram, and I will have started our own college. Homeschool University. We'll see…
So glad things are looking better for at least one day. I have several friends who thought breast feeding was awful, so you're NOT ALONE. And, since I used to make formula myself when I worked for Ross Labs (Isomil and Similac) I can assure you that kids do just fine on formula, and the companies LOVE IT when you get the free samples. Work it!
BTW- where did “monstro” come from or did I miss a post?
Monstro is the whale from Pinocchio, and is otherwise known as My Darling Husband. Read all about him at http://www.motormouth.com/monstro
Are you back in Basel now? How was TX?
Miss you,