Well, for now you can bookmark me at http://www.worldsoldestblog.com/. I'll take advantage of the free 30-day trial, and then will probably migrate to somewhere that won't charge me $8.95/month. Whatever happened to freedom of the press? Oh yeah, freedom isn't free.
In other news, we made our first midnight trip to the emergency room last night, as the baby had been screaming for three hours, only to stop screaming the minute we walked through the doors of Cooley Dickinson Hospital. We were there until 2 a.m., only to be told that they can't do anything, and that I should keep my 8 a.m. appointment with his pediatrician. Which I did, after four hours of sleep.
And my mom left today and I'm bummed.
Guess it's time for a nap.
I can't imagine the stress with a new one. Hope you are getting plenty of naps! I know the baby books all say you're lucky if you get a shower during the day…
Actually, it's Brian who's lucky if I take a shower every day — because honey, what with all the hormones and whatnot, I stink! 🙂
Please someone tell me of what happened to Harvey and when…..I had a moment to look for him tonight, December 22nd 2005…what I found, among others, was a note posted here, with a reference to Harvey's memorial.
I had no idea. He was–is–my dearest teacher, and believe me, I have had a few. I am sad beyond measure for all the lessons I did not have a chance to learn, and the conversations I could not give myself the opportunity to have with him–forever…I am etternally happy to have known him and learned from him to any extent I have.
I was lucky enough to have seen him in his retirement party…was it just last year? 2004?…time is the wind. That was the last I saw him, and maybe it is proper that I saw him last with a big lovely grin across his kind and wise face. I remember I did say a few words in his honor–probably the only teacher I would find close enough to me to inspire me so–and here are those same words. That day, at Harvey's party, I mentioned them, because they are a few of the many words and passages Harvey illuminated in his classes that I found life changing. So here is a cup of myth…to Harvey Birenbaum, who showed me not be afraid of being a mere mortal, and through that understanding live forever in every moment I have:
“She answered, “Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man.'
I love you Harvey Birenbaum.
….I just realized that I assumed the words “Memorial for Harvey Birenbaum” mean he has passed away….if that is not the case, I am immensely happy, obviously embarassed, and wondering why else in the world something would be called a “Memorial”!!!!…So either way, I cannot wait till I find the answer.
I found out what I needed to know. Between midnight and nearly 7:00AM I had some restless sleep colored by a bad case of the flu I have been carrying around for a few days, and which has kept me home most this week with mixed feelings and results. I got out of bed after five hours, which is usually enough. I did more reserach and…found out….
September 30, 2005….Harvey was 69….
The SJSU magazine–I refrain from commentary–dedicated about four square inches to the man that taught there for 35 years, and …well at least for now I will stop, because this is not the time and place for me.
I apologize to whoever this Blog belongs for barging in and changing the subject. Congratulations on the new life’s arrival in your home and heart. Your life will never be the same; and be assured that is a good thing. Enjoy that child—including the changing of the diapers. They grow up so fast. Mine are now almost 13 and 10, and yes, as cliché as it is, life is too short. Hold them close to your heart and mind, even if we cannot keep them close to our chests forever.
Farzin, I'm so glad you posted, and I'm sorry to have taken so long to respond. Harvey was beloved by so many, and I still keen at the loss. I'm glad you found the information you sought, and sorry it was so sad to find. –Lynn
Dear Lynn,
With Holidays at everyone's door, and a new baby, I could not have possibly dreamt of a quicker response. Thanks for your kind reply. I am not sure if I accept my own excuse to have missed Harvey's passing as proper, but I am in last year of law school and preparing for graduation in May and taking the horrendous California Bar Exam in July. That is the main reason why I have had no social life connected enough to find out when my favorite teacher passes away.
If anything happens in further memorial of Harvey, I would like to know. Maybe my life will be normal enough to participate.
Happy Holidays.
Farzin, were you in Myth and Symbolism or Literature of the Grotesque with me? Your name is ringing a bell… –Lynn