He's heeeeere…

Alexander Blake Johnson was born at 3:04 a.m. on Saturday, November 19th, tipping the scales at 9 pounds 4.5 ounces, and measuring 22 inches long. When the midwife put him on my stomach it was the closest I've ever come to experiencing tunnel vision — he just went on and on and on. Baby is great, mother is still sore but the percoset helps (my friend Karen commented, “Wow, you're really druggin' it up…”), and father is over the moon.

The past week has brought a firstborn child, my 34th birthday, Thanksgiving with my divorced parents and Dad's fiancee. So y'all will have to excuse me while I go take a nap. 🙂

Calming Down

Well, I'm pretty much beyond the freak-out point to acceptance. Today's Wednesday; if there's no action by Sunday night they're gonna induce, which I really don't want to happen, but in the meanwhile, I've still got five days and one more midwife appointment to spur things along. Plenty of time. My friend Karen was 11 days late, which is where I'm at as of today, so stranger things have happened! Your good thoughts that the full moon works its gravitational pull on moi would be greatly appreciated.

In other news, Myblogsite is going away, so it looks like I need some warmer bloggy pastures. Back to Blogger? I guess, unless anyone else has a recommendation…

11:00 a.m.

Just back from breakfast at Sylvesters, where I ate more food than I've ever eaten there. Hash, eggs, with grilled cornbread and orange juice. I'm either ready to have a baby or take the GRE. Nothing else going on yet. That's all!

41 weeks and one day

Or, as Christina calls it, 40 weeks and 8 days. No baby yet. Lots of phone calls, though, asking if there's a baby yet. There's not.

Tomorrow we go in for ultrasound, to make sure that everything continues to function as it should. Brian and I are upping the ante as far as doing things to bring the baby about (or aboot, for my Canadian friends :). In the meanwhile, the cats are sticking to me like furry Velcro ™. I'm wondering if they know something I don't.

Forty weeks and six days

Noah got nothin' on me. I have a six-day-old child in my womb. Today we all go in for a “non-stress test,” which involves external fetal monitors to make sure that baby is still groovin'. My mom has been doing a wonderful job of keeping me amused, as have the cats. If you want to be amused, get a cat that fetches paper balls. HOURS of enjoyment. 🙂

40 weeks and two days

I have a two-day-old child in my womb right now. His Nana arrived on Saturday, and his daddy made the five-hour round-trip drive to Logan Airport without smoking a cigarette.

This is pretty much everything that's going on in our world.