Mark Morford, San Francisco Chronicle columnist, has this to say about something else to which Hurricane Katrina has laid waste. And frankly, I couldn't be more delighted. Now, can the non-soul-sucking Republicans please come out of the woodwork where you've been hiding? Because I really miss my grand old party and would love to welcome myself back to the fold…
It might help to remind people exactly what core political strengths Republicans believe in. A refresher course for those who have forgotten who they are amidst all the slime sucking antics of this millenium's diseased crop of “Republicons” and “Democraps.” I'm just as disgusted with those who pretend they are espousing Democrat values in office — and their lack of actually pulling through. As you say, Libertarians are beginning to look good when there isn't a Taco Bell's chance in Amherst of them getting into office and being allowed to do anything useful. Sigh.