Things do happen in threes: Hurricane Katrina, the bridge tragedy in Iraq, and now the death of Chief Justice Rehnquist. Here's my best-case scenario for getting through this:
- Congress impeaches President Bush for being an incompetent (Katrina), lying (WMDs) wad of rancid spermatazoa, and he is forced to leave in shame, killing all hopes of another generation of Bush dictato… uh, presidency.
- Cheney becomes president.
- The press corps stops being the White House's glory-hole invitees, and shines light on what Cheney's been doing behind-the-scenes for the past five years.
- Additionally, Cheney's current dirty-dealings grind to a halt under intense media scrutiny.
- Disgusted, all the non-fuckwad Republicans (myself included) re-register as Libertarians.
- Three years later, the country boots out the fascist theocracy currently in power.
Hey, I'm pregnant — I can dream, right?
If we are pipe dreaming why not go for broke?
1. In front of everyone at a national press conference The Bush Puppet breaks down and just keeps repeating “I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry,” over and over until a mass electrical surge blows out the alien hybrid mask technology that allows Bush, Cheney, and the whole Rotten Apple Dumpling Gang to pass for carbon life forms — if not somewhat human beings.
2. The revealed lobsterlike beings are helpless before a massive disgruntled crowd, who round them all up and cook them into a giant delicious gumbo used to feed the starving citizens of this and every other nation. The carapaces are found to be a natural plastic substance that can be economically recycled into clothing, building materials, and just about anything else needed.
3. What few remaining politicians, giant corporation businesspeople, media personalities, and those who were powerless in the past regime finally are able to get all the decent work done that they were banned from being able to do for, well as far back as any of us have been allowed to remember. Health and Education become the new ideals in a global world — which ensures human rights, democracy, and the Maximum standards of food, shelter, education, medical care, and human dignity are the bare minimum for all of humanity.
4. In return, everyone actually involves themselves with making not only their own lives better but everyone elses. They intelligently research issues and candidates for political office, and then take pride in voting and responsibly aiding their community.