The Blog Days of Summer

Ahh, August. It's hot and humid and sticky. And all my blog buddies have been on hiatus. If not for the recent drama of For Better or For Worse or (gasp) Funky Winkerbean, I'd be bored out of my head. Nesting, but bored. So I've been praying; it's a good way to pass the time, and almost as good as petting a cat for lowering one's blood pressure.

To paraphrase Mister Rogers, here are the people on my prayer list:

    George W. Bush: I pray that he wakes the fuck up and especially that he drops the hypocritical “I'm a Christian” bullshit, because kids, you know what? He ain't.

    Adrienne: Bob's daughter, because she's going to Iraq, all thanks to the above.

    Juliana: Heading back home after an abysmal summer internship in India.

    Katie's Dad: Because his dementia was recently worsened by a drug, which he's now off, so he's doing better than he was, but he's still not on top of his world.

    Avram: Because he's preparing to move, and moving sucks, and because I'm hoping that a bunch of the kids from the youth group I used to lead show up at his doorstep to help him pack all his very cool stuff. So that's a double prayer. And also because he just sent me a ukalele, which holds a great deal of meaning to me, and I'm still trying to work out how to blog about that.

    The Drivler: Because it's fun to pray for heathens!

    Everyone involved in my recent victorious unemployment claim: Because justice was served, and once again we can afford both to be clothed and to eat (and at the same time!). And because it has justified me, and it always feels good to be justified, especially if there's a weekly check that goes along with the justification.

    Anonymous: For posting a nice comment about my “Scape Goat Song” blog, which was written while in the throes of the above.

    And, of course, Monstro: Because he's lived with a pregnant woman for nearly eight months now and has still nearly managed to quit smoking!

So, if you're bored this August too, and have a half a minute, think a good thought for one of the above, wouldja?


6 thoughts on “The Blog Days of Summer

  1. Thank you for praying for Adrienne!
    And McCain sucks. I've lost confidence in him. As for Dems, how about Wesley Clark?

  2. I'm not too familiar w/ Wesley Clark, but I cruised over to his web site and see he already made a go of it in '04, so we'll see.
    Avram, it would be nice if the heathens showed up — or answered their phones, or returned calls. Have you spoken with Herr Drivler of late?

  3. George W. Bush: I pray that he wakes the fuck up and especially that he drops the hypocritical “I'm a Christian” bullshit, because kids, you know what? He ain't.
    “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” It is not the job of the Christian to judge whether or not someone else is a Christian. It would be wise to leave that up to God. “Take the beam out of thine own eye.”

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