Darling Husband and I just returned from taking My Favorite Mother ™ to the airport. She arrived Sunday night — very late after being delayed by thunderstorms in Atlanta — and we had a great time squiring her around. Monday was Old Deerfield and the ubiquitous Yankee Candle. Brian can't go without taking an out-of-town visitor to the chapel of kitsch.
Tuesday we had breakfast at Sylvester's. Mom resisted buying an official “Northampton: where the coffee is strong, and the women are stronger” coffee mug. Then she and I took off for the mall, only to learn that the JC Penney's in the Hampshire Mall doesn't have a maternity section. No matter — we went to see a movie (“The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” — not exactly the fluffy romp we were expecting) and then cruised through Target for gallon-sized food storage bags, a few pair of maternity shorts, and a father's day card for Brian from the baby.
Wednesday I had to work, so Brian showed Mom around UMass-Amherst and we met for lunch at 2:30 at the restaurant formerly known as Fresh Pasta. Ate way too much food, and were too full to join Katie and Don for a pre-theater picnic before catching the final dress rehearsal of New Century Theater's summer production of “The Underpants,” which was hilarious and now I'm going to have to keep myself from blurting “thunderous pussy ass balls” at inappropriate places, i.e. everywhere.
The cats enjoyed her visit, and Mom even played fetch with Jasmine, who kept her feet warm at night.
All in all, a great visit. But now it's over. But I think we've convinced her to come for Thanksgiving, which with any luck will also be near my Nov. 23 birthday.
Sounds like good Mom visit. For some reason it was pants themed — but oh well.
THUNDEROUS PUSSY ASS BALLS! haha i saw that play too.